Daffodil (Narcissus) Trumpet Show filters Hide filters Catalog Landscape (10) Retail (16) Clear selection (1) Flower Color Orange (1) White (4) Yellow (7) Clear selection Shipping Time Frame Fall (10) Clear selection $ - Clear selection 1 - 10 of 10 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Choose display: Daffodil Classic Garden | 50 pceErect stems, stunning flowers colored with bright-yellow petals and a large tangerine-orange trumpet-shaped cup.Currently not available $ 21.50WishlistMore info Yellow, Orange 16/+ 50 Bulbs per Bag Daffodil Dutch Master | 25 pceCurrently not available $ 16.00WishlistMore info Yellow 16/+ 25 Bulbs per Bag Daffodil Dutch Master | 25 pceCurrently not available $ 23.00WishlistMore info Yellow 18/+ 25 Bulbs per Bag Daffodil Dutch Master | 50 pceYellow flowers, large flowering.Currently not available $ 21.00WishlistMore info Yellow 14/16 50 Bulbs per Bag Daffodil Goblet | 25 pceLarge pure white flowers with yellow cup. As matures turns more chartreuse.Currently not available $ 19.00WishlistMore info Yellow, White 16/+ 25 Bulbs per Bag Daffodil Lucky Number | 25 pceLong lasting, extremely large golden yellow flowers. These will definitely make an impression!Currently not available $ 19.00WishlistMore info Yellow 16/+ 25 Bulbs per Bag Daffodil Mount Hood | 25 pcePure white flowers.Currently not available $ 22.00WishlistMore info White 16/+ 25 Bulbs per Bag Daffodil Mount Hood | 50 pceCurrently not available $ 29.00WishlistMore info White 14/16 50 Bulbs per Bag Narcissus Trumpet British Gamble | 25 pcelmpressive large white flowers with a soft apricot cup, darker edged.Currently not available $ 21.50WishlistMore info White 14/16 25 Bulbs per Bag Narcissus Trumpet Rijnveld'S Early Sensation | 25 pceBright yellow flowers. The earliest Trumpet daffodil to bloom.Currently not available $ 17.00WishlistMore info Yellow 14/16 25 Bulbs per Bag